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Lindy Gelber

Co-Founder Sejong Camp

With profound respect and love for the Korean adoptee, their family of origin and their adoptive family, Sejong Camp was created by Lindy Gelber and Linda Priore in direct response to the LA riots, to empower and acknowledge Korean and Korean American heritage and connection.The mission of Sejong was and is to provide a meaningful connection to, and a sense of pride in, the adopted person's birth heritage with an understanding of how that cultural ribbon weaves into the tapestry that is their life in the United States.


Linda Priore

Co-Founder Sejong Camp

Ms.Priore was the co-founder of Sejong Camp in 1992, and was for years an integral part of its operations and programs. She is the mother of two Korean-born adoptees.  As a Camp Director and  Manager of Operations, she has been in charge of directing the Sejong Camp, supervising counselors,  financing and administration, communicating with adoptees and their families. Ms. Priore works part-time at Our Lady of Mary Church, volunteers as organist Sunday Masses, performs  outreach and assistance as part of the Lazarus Ministry and volunteers with the homeless.  In 2014, she was appointed to be an Advisory Council. She will continuously contribute her commitment and service  to Sejong.

두명의 한인입양 자녀의 어머니이신 린다 프라이오리님은 1992년 세종캠프의 공동 창설자이십니다. 그 후로 현재까지 세종의 운영과 활동에 중심적인 역할을 해오고 계십니다. 세종캠프의 총책임자이자 세종의 운영관리자로 세종캠프 운영, 카운슬러 관리감독, 재정및 행정, 입양아및 부모들과 소통등을 담당해 오셨습니다. 그녀는 Our Lady of Mary Church에서 파트타임으로 일하고 계시며 성가대 반주자로서 또한 라자루스 선교회의 일원으로 홈리스들을  위해 자원봉사도 하고 계십니다. 2014년에는 상임이사로 추대되셨으며 앞으로도 세종을 위해 헌신적으로 봉사하실것입니다.


Hyaekyung Jo

Co-Founder Sejong Camp

Mrs. Jo is one of the most dedicated Sejong staff since 1994 and served as a President of Sejong Cultural  Education, Inc.(2009-2013). In 2014, she was appointed as an Advisory Council member from where  she continuously provides guidance and programs for future leaders of Sejong. She is a retired teacher with over 30 years of experience in primary and secondary education in the US public schools, as an  English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, a bilingual consultant, a counselor and a parent educator. She holds a Master’s degree in Bilingual Special Education and Early Childhood Education, as well as Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and Education, and is recognized by the State of New Jersey as a Licensed Pastoral Counselor.

조혜경님은 1994년부터 세종을 위해 가장 헌신적으로 봉사해오신 임원들중 한분이십니다. 2009년부터 2013년까지 세종의 회장으로 활동하셨으며 2014년에는 상임이사로 추대되어 세종의 미래 지도자들을 훈육하는 프로그램 운영과 지도를 하고 계십니다. 30년동안 미국의 공립 초등학교와 고등학교에서 이중언어교사, 상담가, 부모교육가로 일하신 경험이 있으십니다. 간호및 교육학 학사와 이중언어 교육및 육아교육과 석사학위를 취득하셨으며 뉴져지주 목회상담사 라이센스를 소지하고 계십니다.

We Need Your Support Today!

Sejong Cultural Education, Inc.

“Human Dignity through Cultural Understanding.” - Lindy Gelber,

co-founder of Sejong Camp


Phone: 201-496-7170

Address: P.O. Box 1383

Englewood Cliffs, NJ  07632

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