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Julia S. Park

Julia Park has been a driving force to revitalize Sejong both financially and program wise.  At the beginning, she served as a volunteer for Sejong camp, working as an instructor, while her children participated as campers.  Then, after having served Sejong as a Vice President for five years, she was appointed as an Executive Director in 2018. Her community service work began as a founder and president of Woori Korean Cultural Center for Korean-American college students for four years.  She also volunteered at the Rainbow Center, a homeless shelter for Asian-American women.  In addition, she has taught Korean traditional music and dance to children and college students and has organized and performed at various Korean cultural events including in public schools and in her community.  She is a licensed social worker in the State of New Jersey. She is a certified Korean Traditional Music Teacher issued by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Korea.  She received BA degree in Economics from SUNY at Stony Brook.  She received Master in Social Work from Kean University in New Jersey.

박줄리아님은 세종이 재정적으로나 프로그램의 변화로 제2의 도약을 하는데 주도적인 역할을 하였습니다.  그녀의 자녀들이 세종캠프에 참여하면서 자원봉사교사로 첫 인연을 맺은후 5년간 부회장으로 활동 하였으며 2018년 사무총장으로 임명되었습니다.  대학시절 뉴욕 지역 한인 대학생들로 구성된 ‘우리문화찾기회’를 창립하여 4년간 회장으로 활동 하였으며 그 후 홈리스 아시아 여성들을 위한 쉘터인 ‘무지개의 집’에서 사무장으로 봉사 하였습니다.  그 외 한인 초, 중, 고등학생들과 대학생들에게 사물놀이등 한국문화를 가르치고 공연을 하였습니다.  한국의 문화체육관광부로부터 한국 전통음악교사 자격증을 받았습니다.  박 줄리아님은 현재 뉴져지주 사회복지자 자격증을 소유하고 있으며 뉴욕 스토니부룩 주립대에서 경제학 학사학위를 받았으며 뉴져지 케인대학에서 사회복지학 석사학위를 받았습니다.

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Sejong Cultural Education, Inc.

“Human Dignity through Cultural Understanding.” - Lindy Gelber,

co-founder of Sejong Camp


Phone: 201-496-7170

Address: P.O. Box 1383

Englewood Cliffs, NJ  07632

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