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Board of Directors


Chris Meier, Chair
Karen Mok

Joy Lieberthal Rho

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Chris Meier

Mrs. Meier has been a big part of Sejong as a parent, a volunteer, and a leader ever since her sons joined Sejong camp in 2005.  She has been active in Sejong annual gala working committee from 2008, and had co-chaired the 2013 fundraising dinner.  Mrs. Meier has served Sejong as a President for the past five year and now she is a board member.  With her husband, Mr. Hak Meier, who has served Sejong as a board member and an adoptee himself, she has always been up front and committed in cultural education in her surrounding communities.  Before joining Sejong she was the PTA Multicultural Committee Chair of Old Tappan middle school in New Jersey for eight years (’99-’07) and served as Treasurer for five years (’04-’09).  She came to the US as a young girl in 1984 and holds BBA with an extensive graduate study from Georgia State University. Her commitment will add future vision and new energy to the next generation of Sejong Cultural Education, Inc.

크리스 마이어님은 2005년 자녀들이 세종캠프에 참여한 것을 시작으로 자원 봉사자로서, 지도자로서 세종문화교육원에 중요한 역활을 해오셨습니다.  2008년 세종의 첫 모금만찬 준비위원 이였으며 2013년에는 만찬행사의 공동위원장 이셨습니다. 지난 5년동안 세종의 회장직을 수행하였으며 입양인이자 세종문화교육원의 전 이사장이셨던 남편과 함께 지역학교 한국학부모회 회장등 지역사회에서도 교육과 문화에 관련된 단체에서 활발히 활동하고 계십니다.  2019년부터 이사로써 세종문화교육원에 새로운 비전과 에너지를 불어넣어 세종이 한단계 더 도약하게 될 것을 기대합니다.

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Karen Mok

•    Board member for Sejong Cultural Education Inc. (2018-Present)
•    Advisory Board Member for New Jersey Korean American Parents Association (2014-               Present)
•    Board Member for Korean American Educators Association in New Jersey (2014-Present)
•    Advisory Board Member for Bergen County Korean-American Parents Association -                   BCKAPA (2012-Present)
•    Founder and President of BCKAPA (2008- 2012) 
•    Volunteered as a camp instructor and a trip staff for Sejong Cultural Education Inc. (2001-         2011)
•    Vice-President for Northern Valley Regional High School in Old Tappan Korean Parents           Subcommittee of the PTO (2004-2006)
•    President for Korean Parents Subcommittee of the PTO of Old Tappan Elementary and             Middle School (2002-2004)
•    Teacher at St. Andrew Kim Korean School in New Jersey (1993-1995)
•    Editor and Reporter for <Korean in American> Magazine (1992-1993)
•    Reporter and Columnist for New York Korea Times (1990-1992)
•    Teacher at New York Broadway Korean School (1989-1990)
•    Korean language instructor for non-Koreans at Yonsei University Language Institute in S.         Korea (1986-1988) 
•    Graduated from Sookmyung Women's university in S. Korea with BA in Economics with             Minor in Political Science (1982)
•    Graduated from Sookmyung Women's university in S. Korea with Masters in Labor                     Economics (1985)
•    Holds Secondary Teaching Certificate as a Social Studies Teacher issued by the                       Department of Education in S. Korea 


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Joy Lieberthal Rho

Joy Lieberthal Rho, is a Social Worker and Therapist in New York City. She received her B.S. from Union College and her Masters in Social Work from Columbia University. She has been a Policy Analyst for the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute where she co-authored the Report on the First Gathering of Adult Korean Adoptees in Washington, DC and has also been published in various publications.  Joy was a social worker in international placement for Spence-Chapin Services in NYC and ultimately worked in their post-adoption department. During that time Joy was a counselor for children and parents, presented at workshops related to issues around being adopted, facilitated Spence-Chapin’s Kids Groups, facilitated teen groups, and helped to create the highly successful youth Mentorship program.  She has created curricula for agencies and professionals on a wide variety of topics – such as preparing for birthcountry visits, an overview of clinical issues in adoption – as they relate to helping families and children around adoption issues. She is currently in private practice and works primarily with kids and young adults who are adopted. She is also a counselor at The Juilliard School in Manhattan. Joy is adopted from South Korea. She came to her family just shy of her sixth birthday. She grew up in New York. She was the president for six years of Also-Known-As, a NY based non-profit volunteer organization for internationally adopted people and families. She was on the planning committee for the First Gathering of Korean Adoptees in 1999 as well as the Gathering in Korea in 2004. She lived in Korea for a year working in an orphanage. During that time she learned how to speak Korean, learned that her birthmother had been searching for her for 21 years and learned that her identity as a Korean adopted person was a significant aspect of who she is. She has been in reunion with her birthmother since 1994. 

조이 리버탈 로님은 유니언대학에서 학사를 취득하고 컬럼비아대학에서 사회사업학 석사학위를 받았습니다. 그녀는 에반 B 도널드슨 입양연구소에서 정책분석가로 일하면서 ‘성인 한국입양인들의 워싱턴 DC 첫모임에 대한 보고서’를 공동 집필하였고 미국 아동복지연맹이 출간한 입양과 윤리 시리즈도 집필하였습니다. 스펜스-채핀기관에서 국제입양배치 사회사업가로  활동하였으며 ‘입양후 관리부서’에서 6년 동안 일하셨습니다. 아이들과 부모들의 상담, 워크숍, 어린이 그룹과 청소년 포럼등을 운영관리 하였으며 입양인들을 위한 청소년 멘토링 프로그램을  창립하는데 기여하였습니다. 또한 지역및 국가포럼, 아동복지 컨퍼런스, 공립및 사립학교들에서 연설을 하셨고 한국의 이명박 전 대통령도 공식 접견하셨습니다. 현재 뉴욕에서 입양가족들과 입양인들을 돕는 개인상담소를 운영하고 있으며 줄리아드 학교의 상담팀에서도 일하고 계십니다.  한국에서 6살때 입양된 조이 리버탈 로님은 국제적으로 입양된 사람들과 가족들을 위한 뉴욕  비영리 자원봉사 단체인 Also-Known-As의 회장으로 약 6년동안 활동하셨으며 현재까지 계속되고  있는 청소년 멘토링 프로그램을 설립하여  활동하고 계십니다.  1999년 한국입양인들의 첫 모임과  2004년 한국에서 있었던 국제 입양인 컨퍼런스 계획위원회의 회원이였습니다. 1년동안 의정부에 있는 고아의집에서 자원봉사를 하며 한국말을 배웠고, 그녀의 생모가 21년동안 그녀를 찾고  있었다는 것을 알게 되었으며 자신이 한국 입양인이라는 사실이 자기 정체성의 중요한 부분이었다는  것을 깨닫게 되었습니다.

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Sejong Cultural Education, Inc.

“Human Dignity through Cultural Understanding.” - Lindy Gelber,

co-founder of Sejong Camp


Phone: 201-496-7170

Address: P.O. Box 1383

Englewood Cliffs, NJ  07632

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